Our Great Provider

God is our great provider.

He does faithfully provide all our needs.

If we are not feeling well, He provides physical healing.

If we are not alright emotionally, He provides inner healing.

If we have some concerns especially in our studies or work, He provides what we need.

If we are hurt inside, He provides comfort.

If we don’t have wisdom and knowledge, He does provide both.

If we need a house, car, or anything , He will provide all.

We don’t have to worry about our future because He already provide us a brighter future.

If God says to you, Don’t settle for anything less, then obey because He already provide a better one.

God wants us to be more better, to be more mature, to be complete ( lacking nothing). God wants more for us. In order to meet those provision from Him .   We should seek Him first ( Pray constantly and Read His word regularly).

Remember, that we are the one to take the first move in order for us to get more closer and deeper to GOD. He only wants an intimate relationship with us. And then , everything will follow.

#GodIsLove #GodIsFaithful

( Matthew 6:33, Philippians 4:19 )

(Photo by adayinGodswill.com)

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